Health & Safety

Handwashing: High priority is placed on frequency and proper technique of handwashing upon arrival and throughout the day.

Health Check:
We are always monitoring the health of the children in our care. Children must be symptom free at drop off. Parents will be notified if their child exhibits behavior of symptoms that are not typical of that child.

Surface Cleaning:
Our center’s shared surfaces and spaces are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized throughout the day with deep cleanings happening each evening and weekend.

Temperature Requirement:
If a child exhibits a fever while at school of more than 100° we ask that they be picked up and can return back to group care after fever free without medication for 48 hours.

Building Access:
Building access is limited to students, authorized staff & touchless tours; for our families convenience we’re offering safe and efficient lobby/door drop-off and pick-up.

Meals & Snacks:
All meals and snacks are provided in-house to minimize potential home to school transfer of germs.